Yesterday evening I attended an event at National Geographic's Headquarters titled "Pope Francis and the New Vatican." As you may (or may not) have heard, National Geographic was granted special access to the pope and permission to document his daily life inside the Vatican. The images and story behind the experience grace the cover of the magazine's August 2015 issue. The event I attended consisted of a panel discussion, moderated by National Geographic's editor in chief, with writer Robert Draper, photographer Dave Yoder and Archbishop of Washington Cardinal Donald Weurl. The magazine has also published a book with the same title as the event, which you can view or purchase here. The panel discussion was fascinating and the images were amazing. The event was the perfect end to what was an incredibly stressful day. As I left Nat Geo with more-than-a-little pep in my step I had the urgent need to go pick up my camera and start shooting. During my walk home, I realized that simply viewing great photography inspires me to BE a better photographer.
Take a moment and think about the last time you used your camera. Now think about how much money you invested in that camera. Based upon the last time you used the camera and the amount of money it cost, do you think you have received your money's worth? My guess is probably not. Well, if you are having trouble using that magnificent piece of machinery I have some very simple advice for you -- go look at pretty pictures. And, I do not mean just looking at photos on the internet. Instead, view images in-person.
For example, I can tell you from first-hand experience, viewing the underwater images taken by a National Geographic photographer in person at an exhibit is a completely different experience than viewing these same images online. At an exhibit the images are huge and the colors are so vibrant and the sea creatures appear so real that you actually think you are looking into an aquarium. It is nearly impossible to resist the urge to simply reach out and tap the glass. However, I have never had the same urge when I view those same images on my computer. Do the underwater images still move me when I view them on my computer screen? Absolutely, but just not in the same way.
Therefore, I have a challenge for you. This week, go out and buy one or two photo books that contain images that speak to you. Now, pick up at least one of your new photo books each week; set a reminder on your phone if necessary. Devote five minutes to just flipping through the pages and notice how you feel at the end of that five minutes. If you are like me, you will feel the immediate urge to go take some pictures!
I am sure you have probably heard a teacher say that you can improve your writing simply by reading more. Well, the same is true of photography. You can become a better photographer simply by viewing photography. So, get up from your computer screen and go buy that photo book. Remember to pick up that book whenever you are lacking enthusiasm or inspiration. I promise you, viewing art that moves will inspire you to move!
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